Οι Anonymous κήρυξαν πόλεμο στην κυβέρνηση των ΗΠΑ
Αφότου κάλεσαν στα όπλα τους πολίτες των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών, μία μέρα μετά, σε δεύτερο βιντεοσκοπημένο μήνυμα τους, οι χακτιβιστές Anonymous, κηρύττουν ανοικτό πόλεμο στην Κυβέρνηση των ΗΠΑ.
Τα δύο βιντεοσκοπημένα μηνύματα ανέβηκαν στο YouTube με μία μέρα διαφορά και σε διαφορετικά κανάλια. Το πρώτο, ουσιαστικά καλεί στα όπλα όσους πιστεύουν στην ελευθερία και στην δημοκρατία και θέλουν να ταχθούν στο πλευρό των Anonymous και το δεύτερο, ουσιαστικά κυρήττει τον πόλεμο στην Κυβέρνηση των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών.
Το πρώτο video έχει τον τίτλο: Anonymous 2012 Military-Service Personnel Call To Arms
Όσοι θέλετε να διαβάσετε τι λένε στο video πατήστε το πλήκτρο που ακολουθεί:
Please stand by for a public service announcement.
Please be advised that you have been advised.
Tomorrow has been canceled due to the lack of interest.
Thank you for your participation in humanity.
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.
This is a recording.
Connection Established:
Begin Protocol:
Greetings fellow citizens of the Super cedence.
This is a message for all those that have taken a solemn oath and or vow in service of their country.
For this we salute you.
We commend your courage and commitment to serve a cause greater than yourselves.
There is no greater Honor than to be in service for what you may believe in.
Therefore, it is Our sad duty to clarify some oaths that are of grave concern.
For those men and women, who have taken or about to take this oath:
and I quote:
to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same:
End quote:
Please consider the following.
These are times of great peril.
The entire planet is on the verge of a great precipice from which we may not return.
With that oath, comes a great responsibility.
We are calling upon your sense of duty and justice to implore, beg and demand that you, as an autonomous being, establish the truth of your own understanding.
Heed Our words, the constitution is under immediate and direct threat from agents both foreign and domestic.
To be clear, it is your duty to identify and recognize this threat.
To be clear, it is your duty to develop strategies and employ necessary tactics to prevent this enemy from advancing.
Now, we could tell you that the government is at fault, or the bankers, or right wing extremists.
However, Intel is still being collected.
Certain facts are obvious. Millions of Americans are losing their jobs, their homes & their hope.
At some point in the not so distant future, everyone will be given a choice. Everyone will choose the level of their own participation.
Either you can be part of the problem or part of the solution.
To this end, we offer this pledge:
I pledge allegiance to dismantle:
The united state of the Corporations:
And to the profits for which they stand:
One nation, In dispute, end tyranny and torture on all:
Of this, We So Declare:
The time has come to Wage Peace.
We are not afraid.
We are not alone.
We are everywhere.
We are the future.
We are the 99 percent.
We are anonymous.
We are legion.
We will not forgive.
We will not forget.
Expect. us.
End Protocol:
Connection terminated:
Στο δεύτερο video που ανέβηκε πριν λίγες ώρες από άλλο κανάλι στο YouTube ουσιαστικά καλεί όλους τους Anonymous και τους πολίτες των ΗΠΑ σε πόλεμο ενάντια στην Κυβέρνηση των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών. Το video έχει τον τίτλο "Anonymous: Operation V"
Όσοι θέλετε να διαβάσετε τι λένε στο video πατήστε το πλήκτρο που ακολουθεί:
We are Anonymous.
In the past few months, our collective has been organizing the operation known as Operation Blackout. Part of the operation's purpose was to alert the people of the coming bill that was to be called the Stop Online Piracy Act.
This Act would give Congress the power to censor any internet website they wish without consent from the Citizens of the United States. This act would've also had the power to jail any person who infringed on its new copyright law for an equivalence of five years. This copyright law would've had the power to destroy social networking sites such as Facebook and YouTube. Video gameplay and free movies would cease to exist.
However, Operation Blackout was a success. As a collective, we've managed to spread the word and alert the masses. Internet giants such as Google, Wikipedia, and Reddit became hand-in-hand with us as we all managed to make an impact on the decisions of our, "free government". But as we've seen with Megaupload, the government may not need a bill to be passed to get their way. Other operations we've conducted over this time period have awaken the people to the nightmare that is the United States Government. Sections 1031 and 1032 of the National Defense Authorization Act have been ratified. Yet we face new threats.
The United States Government is seeking to pass the Cyber Security Act of 2012. This act is as Orwellian as it sounds; it will endanger our collective and we will not stand by and watch while this government of lies prepares to take away our freedoms. The National Security Agency insists on labeling us as a leaderless, terrorist organization. The question is, "who do we terrorize?". Can it possibly be that the United States government is truly scared of us? Nevertheless, The time for action is now.
Our collective has realized, along with many United States citizens, that the current government is no longer functional. Our economy is unstable, our representatives uncooperative, and our system, destroyed.
We are not calling upon the collective to deface or use a distributed denial of service attack on a United States government agency website or affiliate. We are not calling upon the people to occupy a city or protest in front of a local building. This has not brought on us any legislative change or alternate law. It has only brought us bloodshed and false criticism. For the last 12 years, voting was useless. Corporations and lobbyists are the true leaders of this country and are the ones with the power to control our lives. To rebuild our government, we must first destroy it.
Our time for democracy is here.
Our time for real change is here.
This is America's time, to have its own revolution.
Therefore, Anonymous has decided to openly declare war on the United States government. This is a call to arms. We call upon the Citizens of the United States to stand beside us in overthrowing this corrupted body and call upon a new era. Our allegiance is to the American people, because they are us, and we are them.
Operation V, engaged.
We are Anonymous.
We are Americans.
We never Forgive.
We never Forget.
To the United States government, it's too late to expect us.
Δείτε ακόμη...
- Οι Anonymous και οι Polish Underground επιτέθηκαν στην Πολωνική κυβέρνηση λόγω ACTA
- Η απάντηση των Anonymous στα κοινωνικά δίκτυα, ονομάζεται Anon+
- "Εικονική Λολίτα" στην υπηρεσία των αρχών και στον πόλεμο ενάντια στην παιδεραστία
- Συντονισμένη επίθεση των Anonymous σε κυβερνητικές ιστοσελίδες των ΗΠΑ, μεταξύ των οποίων και της FTC
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Σε ένα σχόλιο στο YouTube
Σε ένα σχόλιο στο YouTube διαβάζω: "Εγώ έχω κηρύξει τον πόλεμο στην Κυβέρνηση 20 χρόνια τώρα. Πρέπει να βιαστείτε να με προλάβετε" και έλιωσα στο γέλιο![Smile Smile](http://ghz.gr/sites/all/modules/smileys/packs/Roving/smile.png)
Όπως τα είχανε πεί... Σε αυτό
Όπως τα είχανε πεί... Σε αυτό τον πόλεμο έχουμε το πλεονέκτημα της έδρας, το internet.